About & Contact

Pam Dixon is an author, researcher, and is the founder and executive director of the World Privacy Forum. She has written nine books, is the editor of a reference volume on privacy, has published hundreds of articles, conducted and published substantial research in the area of privacy, and is well-known for her policy work in consumer privacy. She has testified before Congress and other lawmakers and speaks frequently on privacy issues. Dixon is known for her pioneering research and work in the area of medical identity theft, data brokers and predictive analytics, health privacy, digital signage networks, online privacy, and other aspects of consumer privacy. Dixon has recently completed new research in the area of predictive analytics and consumer scores with co-author Robert Gellman. She has also completed original research in India, focusing on biometrics in developing nations. Prior to founding the World Privacy Forum, Dixon worked with famed Internet privacy and security expert Richard M. Smith as a principle investigator at the Denver University Sturm School of Law’s Privacy Foundation.
The World Privacy Forum, a non-partisan, non-profit public interest 501C3 research group, is internationally recognized. It is a member of the TransAtlantic Consumer Dialoge (TACD) and has held international privacy and security conferences convening prominent experts in the field. The most recent Forum conference was held in Tokyo, Japan in November 2008. Dixon was appointed by California’s Secretary of Health as co-chair of the California Privacy and Security Advisory Board, she was also a board member of the national Health Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP). Her most recent book is Online Privacy (ABC CLIO) co-authored with Robert Gellman and published in fall 2011. She is the editor of a forthcoming reference on surveillance (ABC CLIO) scheduled for publication in fall 2015.
Call: Contact Pam Dixon via the World Privacy Forum office at (+1) 760.712.4281.
Email: Contact Pam via World Privacy Forum, info@worldprivacyforum.org.
Twitter: @PamDixon_ and @privacyforum
Facebook: Pam Dixon author page
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