Virtual College, Petersons, 2004, is one of my favorite book projects — it was a very interesting topic to investigate and distill for a book. It was also my most expensive book to produce to date. At the time, there were no “all you can eat” long distance plans. The interviews I conducted for Virtual College were extensive, and global, due to the nature of the topic. The phone bill hovered in the $4,000 range for the project, which took just under a year. These days, with Skype and lower phone plan costs, an expense like that is unimaginable — thankfully.
The book itself was suggested to me as a project by a very savvy and forward looking editor at Peterson’s. I had actually proposed a slightly different book, but happily ended up with this project. This book was used in classrooms for quite a few years, it is likely too out of date for that now, but this book certainly had a good, long run of it. — Pam Dixon